Energy HVAC
Energy HVAC
"Smaller & Smarter" was Donaldson's motto when designing the new SVU series of silo's vents.
Operating and maintaining silo covers can be time-consuming, dirty and involving risks of working at great heights. Donaldson wanted to reduce the risk level associated with silo cover manoeuvring by reducing its height, reducing weight, while maintaining a full weather-proof covering and closing system.
OEM Key requirements
- Improve operator's safety by contributing to lowering to silo cover operating height and weight
- Provide for cleaning system functions within the cover
- Proposing a design that allows natural flow of rainwater ands dusts
- Exterior finish to protect and convey Donaldson's brand image
The Vitalo Group response : a Vitalo solution
- Twin sheet design by Vitalo allowing a light weight, yet rigid concept
- Fully functionalized silo cap allowing integration of pulse jet cleaning system
- UV- resistant mass coloured
- 3D design allowing free flow elements in harsh weather conditions
- Integrated logo